Hilarious Thread Of 1st Grader’s Mantras

By Luka E

Young children are some of the most insightful and honest people on the planet. They seem to see things so clearly and respond based on their feelings rather than thoughts. If you spend enough time with kids, you’ll notice that they often have beautiful responses to life’s deepest questions. 

George Pointon is a 1st grade teacher who shares some of their comments and answers in threads on Twitter. On this occasion, he asked his kids to come up with a mantra for life, and these are their responses. 

Image courtesy of @GeorgePointon_

This most recent bout of posts offers a hilarious and inspiring insight into the mind of a 6-year-old. Each post gives the name of the student, followed by their mantra, and then a brief response or analysis from George. 

Image courtesy of @GeorgePointon_

The mantras vary in length and some are more direct or more vague. Rory’s Forrest Gump-like “Don’t stop running.” is short and sweet, and can be taken in many ways. Conversely, Emma’s “the people who don’t talk still have something to say” is a clear and direct reminder to include those who might be quiet. 

Image courtesy of @GeorgePointon_

George says that he loves making these threads and connecting on a deeper level with his students. Sometimes the editing for the posts can be a bit of a drag, but it’s worth it and it makes him happy that others can enjoy it too. 

Image courtesy of @GeorgePointon_

George does these “ask 6-year-old” threads often, and he sometimes asks his followers what they’d like to ask, when he doesn’t come up with it himself.