Living Legends: 35+ Lucky Individuals With Eternal Bragging Rights
Anyone who claimed that hard work alone is the key to success was probably pulling a fast one. Certainly, giving our best effort is essential for a prosperous life, but we must also acknowledge that some things lie beyond our human control. In such cases, the hand of destiny comes into play.
We’ve all encountered that one person who seems to lack talent and has a penchant for laziness, yet they’ve struck gold and now live like royalty. It’s a fact we can’t deny: luck is a vital skill too. Lady Luck, it seems, plays favorites without rhyme or reason, and some fortunate souls stumble upon the most extraordinary strokes of luck. For this listicle, we’ve gathered stories of luck from around the world to bring a smile to your face!
Seedless Watermelon
According to the Facebook group “Catholics Against Seedless Watermelon,” the invention of the new GMO seedless watermelon is sacrilegious. We kind of understand their sentiment. Summers are incomplete without eating watermelons and shooting the seeds out of our mouths like bullets at our least favorite sibling.

On a more carefree note, individuals who didn’t share their childhood with siblings might not have the same sentiments. Seedless watermelon complements their tastes just as well. Yet, opting for the seedless kind might require a few extra bucks. This OP hit the jackpot and found one at the price of a regular watermelon.
Typically, we’re staunch advocates for not tossing anything into the ocean and safeguarding our environment. However, we will make an exception for time capsules. There is something magical about them. If you make one, make sure you use non-toxic materials.

Back in the ’20s, George Morrow from Cheboygan, Michigan, decided to drop a capsule into the water. Fast forward a century, and a lucky woman stumbled upon this treasure in Lake Huron! Unfortunately, George never had the chance to see his cherished possessions again, as he passed away in 1995.
New Jeans
Jeans, the unsung heroes of modern textile innovation, are remarkably durable. If you expect to maintain your size for the foreseeable future, a single pair of jeans can faithfully accompany you for a solid 5 to 6 years. Therefor, snagging a pair for just 9 dollars is an absolute steal!

However, this listicle is about the favorites of Lady Luck. Not only did the OP pay only ¼ of the price due to a discount, they also found a $20 bill in their pocket. The thrift shop must have hated those pants. They basically paid OP $11 for taking it out of their sight.
Jesus Christ
In the text of Genesis, God said: “Let there be light.” But as we stride through the 21st century, Jesus Christ turned up the cosmic, proclaiming, “Let there be lightning (and a rainbow).” And for those who don’t follow Christianity, you can picture it as Thor electrifying the very essence of a rainbow.

This remarkable photograph is a true one-in-a-billion gem. Our intrepid OP managed to freeze two contrasting yet evanescent facets of nature in a single frame. If this isn’t a stroke of divine serendipity, then we are not sure what is!
Keanu Reeves
There’s a tweet we remember fondly: “God created men and then sent Keanu Reeves as an apology.” It pops into our heads every now and then. After all, our ex used to playfully liken us to him. We can’t really blame them. Keanu Reeves is just too wonderfully wholesome for this world.

We would have dumped our ex in a heartbeat if Keanu asked us to (although we doubt he would ever say that). It seems he can charm even those who are fresh out of the womb. Fun fact: that baby’s name is Neo, and his father is named Konstantin.
The Minions want to know this OP’s location! Those yellow critters could have gone bananas (no pun intended) if they got their hand on this goliath fruit. They might actually build an altar for it and worship this banana for generations.

Either this OP is remarkably tiny, or this banana is on some serious steroids. We’re genuinely curious about the supercharged fertilizer the plantation owner must have used on those trees. If you were to whip up some banana bread with this behemoth, you could probably feed the entire neighborhood and still have leftovers!
The postmodern school of thought has faced its fair share of criticism, no doubt. But let’s give credit where it’s due—it certainly cranked up our critical thinking skills. Even as we navigate this hyperreal world, we’ve become adept at questioning the grand narratives spun by the mighty.

It’s pretty common these days to have some skepticism about capitalist corporations. This often leads us to wonder if their marketing ploys are all smoke and mirrors. Turns out not all of them are! The Lunchable company actually delivered on their promise, gifting a lucky winner with a Nintendo Switch.
Dragon Ball Z
If you listen carefully, you might hear the sounds of Dragon Ball and Xbox fans wailing in despair. Lady Luck really knows how to play favorites. This overly fortunate OP had somehow won a custom Dragon Ball Z Xbox set.

Just a heads-up, there’s only a single one of these in the entire world, and somehow, this OP managed to snag it. Rarity like this is akin to owning a piece of land in the Hamptons. This Xbox could probably boast a higher property value than the very house they’re living in!
Dating Apps
The advent of dating apps is a double-edged sword in the 21st century. They’ve been a godsend for those of us who identify as awkward potatoes and prefer avoiding excessive socializing. On the flip side, it’s become clear that some folks have developed a rather concerning addiction to these apps.

Here’s a fun story: the OP was casually perusing Tinder while waiting at the dispensary. Lo and behold, they stumbled upon someone from their suggested list. This encounter could either be a destined connection or the most awkward meet-up ever!
The unpredictability of life is what gives it that perfect blend of scary and exhilarating. Occasionally, all the dominos (pun not intended, but appreciated) just happen to fall perfectly into place, resulting in a delightful and unexpected surprise. And that’s precisely what went down for our lucky OP!

Imagine coming back home after a hard day of work and finding a stack of pizza. We would have wept from joy. This mishap happened due to the previous tenant. The former tenant forgot to give Dominos the new address for their home; it ended up in the hands of the OP.
Keanu Reeves 2.0
You didn’t think there would be another segment for Keanu Reeves, did you? This guy is like a divine gift from the heavens. Bumping into him in the wild is like hitting the jackpot, a stroke of luck worth a hundred grand.

Everything is overly shiny and fraudulent. Finding a humble A-lister like Keanu Reeve in there is a marvel. Despite being worth millions of dollars, Reeves lives a simple life. You will often see photos of him riding the subway or sitting on a park bench.
Leg Room
Many short kings would claim that being born tall is one of the greatest fortunes of life. Statistically, taller individuals, especially men, tend to have better odds in the dating game and their careers. But hey, even the moon has its shadowy side.

Most vehicles are designed with the average-height person in mind, so long journeys can sometimes feel like being squished into a closet for our taller friends. But in this case, our lucky fellow not only hit the genetic jackpot but also snagged the best seat in the house!
Life’s got us a bit weary as it is, and the last thing we need is car tires throwing a wrench into our already existing woes. Sadly, littering seems as prevalent as blossoms on a spring day. The road is often strewn with enough sharp objects to make your tire’s day a little less pleasant.

But when Lady Luck herself is keeping an eye on you, misfortune tends to steer clear. It’s not exactly rocket science to figure out how that stray nail could have played havoc with the tire. Let’s just say the bullet only grazed by, and our OP didn’t have to shell out $75 for a replacement.
LEGO is the Nokia of the toy world. No matter what you do, you cannot cause damage to them. Even if modern civilization falls, the LEGOs will be fine. LEGO is also the toy you can never let go of.

However, for some odd reason, a stranger dumped this pile of treasure in a junkyard. Even if you grow up like Andy from Toy Story, LEGOs can still be useful to you. There is at least $500 worth of LEGO in there!
Christmas Tree
At first glance, you will probably miss it. However, when you see it, we assure you—your insides will burn from envy. This is the visualization of the true Christmas miracle. After all, ’tis the season when most Westerners unleash their wallets in full holiday spirit!

Not only do they need to snag gifts for their dear ones, but there’s also the house decoration and the grand Christmas feast to orchestrate. So, it’s safe to say this fella in Kentucky might just be the luckiest person around, heading home with a whopping 15 presents!
If this is not good luck, we do not know what is. This is why we like living in old houses. Even though they are not the most comfortable or the most technologically advanced, there’s always that chance of discovering treasures like these tucked away in their nooks and crannies!

This OP hit the jackpot—they found an old box of change in the crawl space above their bedroom. The box was full of 70s Eisenhower Liberty coins. In 2023, each of the coins will sell around $10 each. Therefore, the entire box should earn them around $500 to $600 easily.
Many of us dwelling in the 21st century often don’t realize just how lucky we are. If we rewind the clock about 2.6 million years, we’d find the forebear of today’s sharks prowling the saltwater. To label them as mere monsters would be a serious understatement!

These colossal creatures could swallow a whole whale in a single gulp! Thankfully, we’ll never cross paths with them since they’re extinct. But guess what? Our intrepid OP struck gold and stumbled upon a fossilized tooth from this prehistoric behemoth. Despite being at least 2.6 million years old, the tooth was in impeccable condition!
One Dollar
Everyone looks down on the humble one dollar despite it being so efficient in keeping up the economy. However, just because it says one dollar on the bill, it does not necessarily mean that it is merely worth one dollar.

The condition, the time the currency was minted and the history behind it —- everything determines the value of a vintage bill. This one $1 bill was minted back in 1969. It was also the first bill printed from that batch. The OP should have this appraised. It should be worth $10,000 at least.
Clover Patch
Don’t fret too much if you ever spot someone enthusiastically bouncing up and down near some greenery. They’ve likely stumbled upon a four-leaf clover (or perhaps a snake, but let’s hope not!). Their joy is understandable. After all, one in 10,000 clovers have four leaves.

Therefore, four-leaf clovers are considered signs of good luck. Encountering them in the wild is a signal of fortune. In that case, this individual found enough luck to last them fourteen lifetimes. Ironically, when this many four clovers emerge in one location, it’s a sign of mutation caused by soil pollution.
Metal Detector
Modern problems require modern solutions. Due to the fast advancing technology, we have become detached from mother nature. The logic is pretty simple: why touch grass when you could lay on your couch and scroll Instagram. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to a new hobby.

Buy yourself a good metal detector from Amazon asap. We assure you, it’s a good investment. With this, you can explore nature with the assistance of technology. Instead of playing Pokemon Go! and possibly getting yourself killed or arrested, go treasure hunting with a metal detector. You too could get lucky like this.
Lucky Kitten
Aside from being a health worker, we think that fostering animals is one of the most noble jobs in the world. Taking care of a homeless animal is not as simple as you think. Sometimes the animal is sick. Some of them are elderly and need extra care.

After all of that care, once they’re healthy, they are sent to their forever homes. Letting go is a part of the job and it is an act of selfless pure love. This sweet cat was fostered by this lady 5 years ago. After some issues, the cat once again ended up in her arms.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. This OP went to a yard sale and brought all of these vintage consoles for 40 dollars. Sit down for a moment and let that sink in. all of this, for 40 dollars only.

Take this information to your gaming obsessed brother and see if they punch a hole through drywall or not. We will kindly inform you that our knuckles are already bruised. For $40, it’s nor just a steal; it’s a robbery.
Box of Cash
They weren’t kidding when they said “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. In fact, this treasure is so valuable that we cannot even fathom why it ended up in this place. Some dropped a box of old money at the OP’s Old Dirt Road.

The envelope’s are collected from various nations. The oldest coin in the box is from 1621. There are even money countries that no longer exist. Most currencies in the box date from the 1700s to the 1900s. Auction houses would kill for this box.
Kudos to those who had the guts to sire more than one child. As someone who plans to be childfree in this lifetime, even one is too much for us. We prefer to be the fun uncle to our nieces and nephew.

If you grew up with similar aged siblings, you have no idea the kind of stress you put your parents through —- especially during infancy. One cannot sleep if the other sibling is being fussy. Rarely do parents get free time due to dilemmas. However, this son of a gun actually put three kids to sleep.
The lord is testing us and just as we did back in our student life, we did not study. Knowing the fact that someone in some corner of the world has a free box of luxury Lindor’s chocolate, is making our insides turn green from jealousy.

Worst of all, these are dark chocolate —- the finest of all chocolates (we don’t make the rules. These are just facts). This fortunate OP was given a ton for free by his boss. OP must have freed slaves in their previous life. Knowing us, we would have finished the box in one sitting.
Somebody is about to become a millionaire and it is definitely not us. It is this OP who was blessed by lady luck. Remember when we said that we should all adopt metal detecting as a hobby? This is the reason why.

OP was metal detecting in France and found a gem out of nowhere. To give you more historical context, this bronze coin is from 306-337 A.D. It was minted in Germany during the reign of the Emperor Constantine I.
Uhhh thank you, but no thank you. Contrary to popular belief, we actually have standards. One man’s trash may be another man’s treasure. However, if the treasure is soaked in urine and excrement, we are not going anywhere near it. As much as we love phones, we are not that desperate.

However, we are not the one who found this so-called “treasure”. The OP seemed fairly happy as they called it a “level 9000 luck”. Well, good luck to them. No matter how clean that toilet is, we are not putting that phone anywhere near our face.
Dogs are man’s best friend for a good reason. Kudos to our cavemen ancestors who pulled level 100 big brains and had the guts to feed the wild wolves. Without them, we would not have the modern day domesticated doggos.

Because we love them so much, losing them makes it that much harder on us. As someone who went through that pain, we can vouch for it. However, lady luck was on this OP’s side. She found the dog she lost during her childhood. The microchip confirms it.
Conan O’Brien
It does not matter whether Santa Claus is real or not. We love this lovable old man nonetheless. No one is immune to the joy they bring during Christmas —- not even one of the most late night talk show hosts.

The OP’s father volunteered as the Santa of the local Macy’s. Who knew the legend, the myth themselves would appear there in flesh. They shot this wholesome photo. Dare we say, Conan O’Brien met a bigger celebrity than him that day.
Box Of Goodies
Recently, the term “silent quitting” has been popularized due to the work culture of the younger generation. This work culture promotes that we should only do what is required of us and not go beyond it since it’s above our pay grade.

There are good sides to this new culture. Overworking and unpaid overtime are frowned upon in this postmodern school of culture. However, someone decided not to silent quit once and was rewarded handsomely. The OP was rewarded with all of this by their boss since they stayed overtime.
Wedding Ring
Wedding rings are essential for a prosperous marital life. However, a lot of value is put in it since it symbolizes the love, support and faithfulness that is promised during a wedding vow. The average American spends about $1,100 on a wedding ring.

When you spend that much money on jewelry, you obviously treasure your life. However, the OP sadly lost her precious ring during a cross country road trip. It turns out that it was under her nose the whole time. More specifically, it was stuck under her husband’s deodorant.
Tree Fall
Ice storms in Canada are no joke. Ask any of the natives. The ice storm in 2023 has its own wikipedia page due to how devastating it was. The city of Quebec and Ontario lost electricity connections and the residents had suffered for many days.

The ice storm even caused two fatalities. The two provinces were littered with uprooted trees and light posts. One of the deceased died from being crushed by a falling tree. Surely we do not have to explain why these two cars were fortunate.
The rainbow is one of the most beautiful natural events. It stays up for only a few fleeting moments. However, those moments will forever be crystalized in your heart. However, due to how short it is, photographers rarely get to take a good photo of it.

However, the OP was blessed by both lady luck and mother nature. They were at the right place at the right time with the right equipment. Hence, today our eyes are blessed with this masterpiece of a shot. It even encapsulated both ends of the rainbow.
If this kid looks like they just hit the jackpot, that is because they actually did. We can already tell whoever looking at this photo is full of disdain and jealousy. We know this because we are going through the same emotions.

This feral delight seen on this young man’s face came from winning the jackpot at the arcade. If it was 10 years ago, we would have fought this kid for the same fortune. Let’s just hope this did not give birth to a gambling addiction for this fellow.
Modern emotion of FOMO (fear of missing out) is existent in every corner of the world. Although many of us have already accepted that one life is not enough to experience every part of the world, all of us secretly wish to live the YOLO life.

That is exactly what the OP did. Since they have one life, they decided to live it to the fullest by purchasing an RV and touring the world. They traveled more than 200 miles. However, despite their nomadic lifestyle, they have a home to go back to —– and that is the epitome of being fortunate.
Time pieces have always carried a sense of prestige. However, no brand managed to monetize it like the Rolex company. For 118 years, they have been making some of the finest elegant timepieces and selling them exclusively at high prices.

Buying a Rolex is no less than buying a land since it only increases in value with time. This OP bought a damaged Rolex for $15 at a yard sale. When they took it to a Rolex dealership for appraisal, they accidentally ended up fixing it. OP now has a good as new Rolex.
Cover Shot
Those who are not in the literary circle have no idea how difficult it is to get a book deal. It’s like a less toxic version of Hollywood. Just like struggling actors who are trying to get their big break, writers are also trying to find a good publisher.

Which is why, this situation with OP and their wife is so envy worthy. This beautiful not only managed to find a reputable publisher and release their novel, they also ended up in the cover shot of the local magazine in their first try.
This is the most wholesome situation ever. This OP’s wife went to a baseball game and told their husband to look out for them on TV before leaving. They said it as a joke. Who knew that wife’s jest would actually become reality.

You can tell from her face how pleasantly surprised she is. If it were us in her place, we would have fainted from anxiety. Now, this lady has bragging rights for life. Although, imagine how awkward it would have been for her and husband if she ended up on the kiss cam.
Clovers 2.0
We have already talked about the auspiciousness of four leaf clovers. Four leaf clovers bear significance in many cultures and religions. Christians think that it represents God’s grace or luck. Celtic faith claims that four leaf clovers can ward off evil and bring in good luck.

Therefore, many people made it their hobby to collect and preserve four leaf clovers. This OP’s nice year old nephew collected over 1500 of them and put them in a binder. They even have five leaf clovers! May the odds ever be in his favor with these.
Steve Carell
We saved the best for the last. They say that you should never meet your idols as it will ruin your perception of them. However, you should say hi to Steve Carell if you are ever fortunate enough to see him in person. ‘

This gem of a man is not only incredibly funny, he is also humble and charismatic. We know him best for role as Michael G Scott from The Office. However, you should definitely watch his other films. His acting is severely underrated. Who knows? You might get to meet him one day as well.