40+ DIY Flops That Budding Artists Bravely Shared Online
By Ekhama O
This article was originally published on mydiwise
The world of handmade crafts is an extremely creative and exciting one. Handmade items make for the best gifts and invoke a sense of pride in whoever makes them. Whether it’s knitting, sewing, crocheting, sculpting, or painting, the journey of bringing their ideas to life must have been an extremely exciting one, but sometimes the outcomes can leave much to be desired.Call it a lack of expertise or whatever you will, but for some reason, the bulk of handmade crafts turn out to be useless junk. Some of those that had this experience came up with the brilliant idea of posting the disaster on social media and we’re glad they did. Thanks to all those people on the internet, here are some of the biggest DIY fails ever shared online.Bootleg Stevie
Getting someone a gift is one heck of a tall order. Finding the right present can be hard. Usually, handmade items tend to be more heartwarming, worth cherishing — that is if they’re in a good state — and of course, well made.
Knock-off China
As beginners in artistry, it can be pretty hard to decide what to create. Our minds are either overflowing with so many ideas, that it becomes difficult to choose, or we have none at all. How can we pick what to work on, you ask? Just recreate a ready-made piece!
Dred Bed
You might be searching for a companion but pets can grow to be members of our family. We can sacrifice life and limb for them, and even go to great extents to keep them comfy. This owner did just that by using their hair to create a bed for their furry friend.
Didn’t follow the instructions to the T
If you’ve got some inspiration for a craft you want to create or even looking for some, the internet is the one-stop for all your searches. There are loads of ideas to choose from and best of all a ton of instructions to guide you, too.
RIP Frosty
Ah, the holidays. School’s out, people get time off work, and there’s so much cheer and loads of presents, making Christmas truly one of the jolliest times of the year. One staple of this season is the fir tree and what could decorate them better than our very own crafts?
Uncanny Solution
Older people are known to be wiser, but that doesn’t mean their ways can’t be deemed questionable sometimes as well. In fact, some old people are known for doing some of the most bizarre things you could ever imagine, just like this lady.
Horror Sculpture
If you’re an artist, one of the worst things you could probably discover is your artwork getting senselessly destroyed, just like this sculpture did. A sculptor left their still-wet project lying around and a cat turned it into a scratch post.
The pockets aren’t the only issue
The world evolves every day — flora, fauna, societies, and trends are never static. For instance, fashion. It’s always changing. Old trends can come back in style and new ones fade away, while some just don’t catch on, and we’re guessing this pocket-gown was one of them.
Human garden gnome
When starting out a new skill, a good practice would be to start off with the basics. If you’re learning how to write stories, start off with short ones. Learning how to sew? Start with a tote bag. And for knitting, try a beanie.
Hope it washes off
Artistry is difficult, and while undertaking the harder tasks can strengthen your skills, you still have to know not to bite off more than you can chew. Start with the basics, and you’ll get to the tough stuff in due time. Don’t make the mistake this person did.
The eyes tell the tale
Whenever we see something beautiful, our first thought is to get out our phones and cameras to sort of immortalize the moment so we can treasure it forever. Some people, however, tend to take that a step further, just like the guy who made this painting.
Mega Slippers
Whether it be food, any functional household item, or even a piece of clothing, creating something from scratch for oneself is a very fulfilling experience. Looking back at the finished product can make you feel proud, disappointed, shocked, or amused.
All ears
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery and we agree. But what do we say if the person you’re trying to imitate is yourself? That’s right, a lady loves her ears so much, that she decided to make a replica of one.
Ear muffins?
Did you ever get a present so horrendous you knew you were never going to use it, so you just gave it away? Well, that must have been the case between these two cute pooches because the beanie hat thing the Whippet is wearing was actually meant for the Bull Terrier.
Hand paint fail
Look, we’ve tried a ton of arts and crafts and none of them really worked out the best for us, but one we had a particularly difficult time with was painting. It was a real pain to get the proportions we had in our heads and the effects we wanted.
Babies of the yarn
Only a few things in life can compare to the happiness felt when you get something done for a good cause. When you don’t have something to donate, the best way forward is to raise money to do so, and this lady had a very creepy approach to doing so.
Night or patient gown?
One reoccurrence we tend to see in failed DIYs is a craft ending as a mildly salvageable catastrophe. What do we mean, you wonder? Well, they might not have turned out the way the maker planned, but they might still serve a function.
There was an attempt
Ah, origami; it’s one of the many types of art that excite us. Paper crafts in general are cool but there’s nothing quite like creating three-dimensional objects out of a flat piece of paper. It can be a bit difficult, so it’s common to see crafts ending up like this.
Pope pup
Pets provide us with a bounty of joy, amusement, and companionship. In exchange, we ought to be loving and caring owners, giving them what they love and providing them with comfort, so they can continue to be our loyal friends.
Bad bunny?
Ceramics and all other forms of pottery aren’t the most difficult to learn and within a day or two of intensive practice, a newbie would how to make something as easy as a cup. This means that clay isn’t that hard to manipulate once you get the know-how.
Mushroom Beret
Snazzy accessories can make our outfit look a billion times greater. Clothing items like scarves and headgear can spice up our look. And while shopping is fun, you walk with a bigger aura of confidence when you made those things yourself.
But why, though?
Some things are just hard to let go of, and this is especially true when it comes to memorabilia and clothes. Instead of this guy replacing his torn corduroy pants with a new one (since he loves corduroy so much) he decided to fix it instead.
Hulk smash?
Have you ever tried to assemble a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle before? Yeah, we don’t have that much time on our hands either. But if you have, imagine how you’d have felt if it had been disassembled shortly after you completed it.
Voodoo Monkey
Being in a relationship can make you feel a whirlwind of emotions, from excitement to gloominess, frustration to amusement. One thing that will always warm someone’s heart, though, is when their partner does something sweet for them, like making a personalized craft.
Octofrog or Froctopus?
Stuffed animals are probably one of the most sought-after kid’s toys in our world today. We’ve seen it on Power Puff Girls with octopi and Toy Story with Woody, and while children love them the most, there’s no law banning adults from liking them too.
Angry duck
With how popular and widespread the art of crocheting is, it’s no wonder why there are so many types of patterns and techniques there are. One of those is the mini C2C stitch, and while we’re no specialists, we’re pretty sure it isn’t supposed to look like this.
Converting Converses
Upcycling has its benefits. Not only do we reduce the amount of waste produced when we upcycle, but it also gives us an avenue to let our imagination run wild and creativity grow when we take on new and interesting projects.
Lessons were learned
When making a craft, there are some unspoken rules you just have to abide by, or else your project can risk turning out to be a major flop. For instance, in origami, the paper has to be aligned perfectly and in knitting, the gauge as well as yarn weight and needle size matter.
Cat got their tongue
Glass is quite possibly one of the most fragile and delicate materials we handle on a daily basis. Depending on the type, it’s basically ruined when it either comes in contact with heat or worse, touches the ground. Even the durable pieces have a breaking point.
One word: shorts
Don’t you hate it when something you love and own gets destroyed? Yeah, us too. When this happens, many people would sulk over their damaged belongings and find something to replace it, but many others would try to bring them back to life.
Knock-offs are hardly ever as great as the originals
Have you ever seen a craft somewhere and thought to yourself, “I can definitely do that,” then you try your hand at it then it goes horribly wrong? Cheer up. Most people who have done such have also had the exact same experience, just take a look at this one below.
Bootleg Daft Punk
If there is anything people are almost as passionate about as their sport, it’s their music. Some people have their favorite artists they love to support, by listening to their music, going to their shows, and even buying their merch.
What went wrong?
Teddies are some of the most sought-after kinds of stuffed toys and, despite the actual animals being vicious and dangerous, we can’t help but view them as cute and cuddly creatures. That’s why we love teddy bears, and we like to make them too.
Medieval sock
Socks and knitted wears are some of the most warming pieces of clothing. When it’s cold and we’re indoors, they provide our body with warmth, but knitted socks provide a whole new level of comfort. So, when you don’t want to buy some, the next option is to make them.
Voodoo Bunny
Stuffed animals are just the best. They come with most of the physical features of the animals they were made to imitate but without the unnecessary baggage of having to feed, clean and just take care of them in general.
Nothing good can come out of a hood
DIY fails happen most commonly when someone attempts to replicate something they saw somewhere else. Usually, they don’t have the right materials, equipment, or even expertise to bring the clone to life. For this attempt, we don’t know which it was.
Christmas Feels
Some crafts can be quite hard to do and it’s pretty easy for you to lose your patience while you’re doing a tasking project once in a while. Christmas can also make us feel frustration too, with all the expectations and craziness the season comes with.
Pottery Pug
Remember what we said about people trying to immortalize beautiful sights? You know, the painting with the dog. Well, it seems to us that pug owners have a thing for recreating the image of their pooches because here it is again.
Dancy pants
Making your own clothes is an admirable task. Whether you’re doing it to save money, make something unique, or stick it to the fast fashion industry, it’s a worthwhile craft that everyone can appreciate. But even the best crafters need to start somewhere…
Mystery craft
When you’re just starting off knitting or crocheting, it’s best to try for a simple pattern. Or, you can even do some simple practice with the stitches, with no clear design in mind. After all, your first try might not come out well enough that you’d want to wear it — which is totally fine.
Flop or genius
This one is actually kind of impressive. Someone dedicated so much of their time to creating this enormous maze using salt. Yes, you read that right. That mound at the back is a pile of the rest of it. If anyone on this list deserves to be named an artist, it’s this one.
Peculiar bathroom mirror
The next photo on our list actually had split opinions online. Some people thought it was actually a good design since they felt it gave off beachy, aquatic vibes, while others couldn’t help but dispute those claims as hard as they could.