From Red Carpet To Retail: 35+ AI Photos Depicting Celebrities In Everyday Work Settings
Celebrities are just like us. Yeah, right! They are like regular folks, except they have million-dollar mansions, expensive sports cars, lavish vacations, numerous facial and body treatments to keep them looking young, and bank accounts that can support a small nation. They look flawless on red carpets, and their faces grace the silver screen.
We have all probably imagined what they would look like working in a flower shop or grocery store and asked ourselves how they would wait and serve customers. Would they still be good-looking sans the makeup and glamor? Leave it to AI to answer those questions. These images were made using an AI program called Midjourney and posted on Reddit by GremlinBobby. Get ready to see Tom Hanks in a bakery, Queen Bey working with produce, and the talented Danny Trejo cutting up meat. Have fun scrolling through this list and seeing your favorite celebrity being ‘one of us.’
It’s a Beautiful Day in the Bakery
Tom Hanks has won Academy Awards for his performance in Forrest Gump and Philadelphia. He could win employee of the month if he worked in a bakery. It would be neat to buy a donut from the nicest guy in Tinseltown.

If Tom Hanks were a baker, we could see him making and selling his favorite white chocolate coconut bundt cake. That sounds delish! We’ll enjoy watching him on the silver screen for now, but maybe one day, we’ll get to try his pastries for real.
Hell’s Grocery Store
We all know Gordon Ramsay as a hot-headed and super-talented chef, but have you ever tried to picture him in a different profession? He doesn’t look too happy in this AI image and would probably feel like this if not working in a kitchen.

Gordon Ramsay has gotten away with saying all sorts of things to people in the kitchen and restaurants. Still, he would be fired for calling customers donuts and idiot sandwiches. Just be glad you can watch him cursing on television rather than deal with him in a store.
Queen B
Look who it is, the one and only Beyoncé. Even in a room full of vegetables, she still shines as brightly as if on a stage. We can’t help but notice how that green top suits her. But then again, she looks fabulous in anything.

Queen B belongs on a stage, serenading her fans with her hit songs, and not in a grocery store selling produce. We’re sure her adoring fan base, the BeyHive, would still stand in a queue to hear her sing even if it was only on the check-out lane.
Danny the Butcher
It is the man, the myth, the action movie legend, Danny Trejo. He has an endless list of things he is really good at, so we would not be surprised if he is an excellent butcher. He’s been handling knives of all kinds in movies, after all.

Did you know that Danny owns a bunch of eateries in Los Angeles? You may not be able to buy meat from him, but you can dine at Trejo’s Coffee and Donuts, Trejo’s Tacos, and Trejo’s Cantina. How great is that?
Grocery Store Blonde
Have you ever wanted to see Reese Witherspoon do regular people things like shopping or working in a store? You probably won’t see her working outside of a movie set anytime soon, so here is an AI image of her at the counter of a store.

Reese Witherspoon has that country charm, so we could see her winning the hearts of her customers just like she won our hearts as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. Reese can do anything she wants, but we’re sure she will stick with acting.
Brad the Builder
We’re going to play two truths and a lie. Brad Pitt majored in journalism at the University of Missouri; he works part-time in construction and has a passion for dance. You probably got it correct; he doesn’t work in construction.

Brad Pitt might need to start working in construction ASAP. Why, you ask? Well, he’d be really good at it and we are certain most of his fans will agree that he suits the whole look. Don’t you think?
Ariana Grande
“Ariana, what are you doing here?” That Nicki Minaj meme never fails to crack us up. Anyway, the singer is busy with other creative projects, so don’t expect to see her at the counter of your local coffee shop soon. The only time we’ve seen her throw on an apron was in 2019 to promote her collab with Starbucks.

If Ariana was a barista, her surname would be an aptonym. The term is used for “People whose names and occupations or situations (e.g. workplace) have a close correspondence.” Get it? Her surname is the size of a coffee cup, Grande. That’s funny.
Pro Grocer
Did you know that Lebron James works in a grocery store? Call us Pinocchio because our nose just grew an inch since this is only AI. Lebron James is the SpringHill Entertainment production company’s co-owner, so he has other side hustles.

This image includes a fun detail that is easy to miss. The apron Lebron is wearing has a Nike logo, just like his basketball uniform. After he retires from basketball, he plans to acquire an NBA team, not work in a grocery store, even if they give him a cool apron.
Boss Man
Mr. Will Ferrel, manager – that has a nice ring to it. Would you be happy having this comedian as your boss? He looks serious in this AI image, not his usual funny self, but you must be tough when managing people unless you’re a softie like Michael Scott from The Office.

Will Ferrel did play the manager, Deangelo Vickers, in season seven of The Office. We have serious doubts that he will ever pursue a grocery store manager position in real life. Acting is where he earns the big bucks. Grocery jobs don’t pay much.
The Office
Who’s that girl? It’s Jennifer Lawrence! She must be glad she doesn’t work in a mundane office environment and has an exciting career in movie sets. She may not gossip around the water cooler, but she chats with other movie stars, which sounds even better.

Jennifer Lawrence would be a great co-worker. She has a great sense of humor, so she would be the go-to person to brighten your day at work. Don’t judge her based on this AI image; she is a hoot. Just watch her interviews.
Officer West
Kanye West, Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband, is a rapper and now a security officer at a grocery store. We’re just kidding about the last part. He does have the perfect mean resting face to intimidate people, though. We could see Kanye tweeting about all the shoplifters he’s caught if his account wasn’t suspended.

If Kanye continues his controversial rants, he may have to step away from the spotlight and find a new career. He could get inspo from this AI image. However, he has enough money in the bank to not work another day and spend time with his family.
The Boy Who Works in a Grocery Store
Actor Danielle Radcliffe can’t seem to escape his Harry Potter role. Even AI has created an image of him with the iconic round glasses he wore throughout the film series. We’re surprised they didn’t include his robe and wand. On second thought, they wouldn’t go with his work uniform.

It would be cool to see an image of all three wizards, Hermione, played by Emma Watson, and Ron Weasley, portrayed by Rupert Grint, working in a store alongside each other. Emma is featured on this list, so stay tuned for that.
Jenny from the Grocery Store
Look who we have here; it’s Jennifer Lopez! We know what you’re thinking; there’s little resemblance to the J.Lo we know and love. This looks more like an impersonator of the actress. AI did an excellent job with the flowers, though. So lifelike.

Let’s ignore that this doesn’t look like Jenny from the Block and say that if her job was to arrange flowers, we know that she would be great at it because she’s got that creative gene. We bet she can make superb flower arrangements.
The Green Grocer
We’d recognize those ocean eyes anywhere; that’s Billie Eilish! She is rocking a funky hair color and baggy clothes, which would not be permitted in some workplaces. Luckily, this is just a figment of the artist’s imagination. The singer isn’t moonlighting as a grocer.

Billie and her brother Finneas are a powerful duo in the music industry, so we’re happy she chose that career path. Other people have to pay their bills by working a regular nine-to-five, but we hope everyone can one day have their dream job, like the singer.
Fresh Prince of the Store
Will Smith getting a regular job after the controversies he’s been embroiled in will make the headlines. He can become a cashier if the acting gigs stop coming his way. Don’t worry Will Smith fans, you know this is AI, so he’s still working as an actor.

We know Will Smith slapped Chris Rock, but he’s still a good guy who would be great at dealing with customers. He is, in reality, a famous movie star, so this is the only time we’ll see him at a computer in a store.
Manager McConaughey
Alright, Alright, Alright. Give it up for the actor who was voted People’s hottest man alive in 2005, Mathew McConaughey. He could also be voted the best manager alive. He’s a hard worker and seems trustworthy. Who wouldn’t want to work for him?

Mathew McConaughey wanted to study law after high school but went to film school instead. If he had become a lawyer or a manager, we wouldn’t have seen him perfectly deliver those lines from Dazed and Confused, “You just gotta keep livin’ man, L-I-V-I-N.”
Gone but Not Forgotten
Chadwick Boseman is gone but not forgotten. He was a promising actor who had so still had so much to give. People may not have worked with him in a restaurant, but many actors had the pleasure of co-starring in movies with him.

If Chadwick Boseman had worked behind a counter, customers would only have nice things to say about him. His warm smile would make anyone feel welcome. He will always be remembered in the real world for his many movie roles.
Friendly Cashier
“So no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your job’s a joke, your broke, your love life’s D.O.A…” That’s how Jennifer Aniston would feel if she wasn’t a star. Jen played a cashier in a comedy-drama called The Good Girl.

Jennifer Aniston had many jobs before fame. She worked as a waitress for many years in New York, just like her character Rachel Green on Friends, and she even tried her hand at telemarketing. She didn’t, however, ever work as a cashier.
Workin’ 9 to 5
“Workin’ 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’ barely getting’ by, it’s all takin’ and no’ givin’.” Do you know who can resonate with that Dolly Parton song? This version of Timothee Chalamet living in an alternate universe.

Timothee Chalamet has done a lot at a young age. He can say he’s starred in a movie with Saoirse Ronan and attempted a rap career, but he’s never stocked shelves, dealt with entitled customers, or done other tasks grocers usually do.
Natalie Portman Scooper Girl
Natalie Portman, the actress, or Natalie Portman, the ice cream scooper? Which sounds better to you? She has a pretty remarkable career as an actress, but, in our opinion, having a job surrounded by ice cream all day sounds awesome.

Speaking of the cold treat, Natalie Portman’s favorite is Van Leeuwen’s vegan ice cream. She could consider working part-time at an ice cream shop if she was promised free scoops of her fave go-to snack. That sounds amazing.
Cashier-Mission Impossible
You have seen Mission Impossible Actor Tom Cruise skydive and fly planes, but we guarantee you’ve never seen him working as a cashier. We can’t picture Tom enjoying working at a cash register, there is no thrill or action in that.

Did you know Tom Cruise wanted to be a Catholic priest after school? You learn new things about celebrities every day. Hollywood wouldn’t be the same without Tom. We can’t imagine movies without him and his daring stunts.
Enchanting worker
It’s our favorite redhead Amy Adams donning a scowl and a green apron. We’re only used to seeing the Enchanted star flashing her pearly whites and wearing an evening dress while posing for the cameras. Her fans know they won’t see her like this outside of AI.

Amy Adams worked as a greeter girl at The Gap, had a brief stint as a hostess at Hooters, and worked as a dancer at Boulders Dinner Theatre. As realistic as this image looks, we can’t add this job to the list of careers she had before fame.
Who’s Driving This Bus?
Who has three Golden Globe awards and is the friendliest and most handsome bus driver the world has ever seen? Denzel Washington! There’s a popular Tik Tok trend that people like to lip-sync, “Who’s driving this bus?” Well, we know it’s not actually Denzel.

You can take public transport daily, but you won’t see this famous face on your travels. However, you will see Denzel in his element and living out his dream in movies such as Malcolm X, Pelican Brief, and Training Day.
Get Out
What is your favorite scary movie? If it’s Get Out, then you’ll be excited about this AI image of the lead actor Daniel Kaluuya. AI made it look like he’s still in character, but this time he’s not in a scary flick; he’s in a grocery store.

When Daniel was only sixteen years old, he showed up to his first real job as a runner for a shopping channel in a suit while everyone was dressed casually. Would he show up dressed all fancy schmancy, had he worked in a grocery store?
Order Up
Insert Donna Summer’s hit song, She Works Hard for the Money. “She works hard for the money. So hard for it, honey. She works hard for the money. So you better treat her right.” Viola Davis works hard for her money as an actress, and we know she would be just as dedicated if working in a diner.

What is up with AI making some celebrities look really grumpy? If Viola Davis was working for minimum wage and dealing with demanding customers all the time, it would be hard for her to keep a smile on her face.
Chef Emma
“If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.” Well, it looks like this AI Emma Watson can stand the heat. The real Emma would be able to handle the pressure of cooking in a restaurant effortlessly. After all, she’s had enough practice dealing with the pressures of Hollywood.

Emma Watson is no stranger to the kitchen, cooking nutritious meals at home. She once mentioned that she dreamed of going to Le Cordon Bleu. If she follows through with that, possibly in the future, we can all be eating one of Emma Watson’s healthy dishes at her fancy restaurant.
The Bowling Man
Breaking News: Shia LaBeouf has quit acting and now works at a bowling alley. We’re just pulling your leg, but it’s scary how much this resembles him. Shia has been acting since he was young, and is still going strong today. You might see him bowling for fun, but you’ll only see him working on films IRL.

There was an unfortunate incident that took place at a bowling alley in 2017 involving Shia LaBeouf. He gave an employee a difficult time and was escorted out of the premises. We’ll have higher chances of seeing him walking dogs for a living instead of working at a bowling alley.
Employee in Red
Who is our current favorite Barbie Girl starring in a Barbie world? It’s Australian actress Margot Robbie. It’s a good thing she actually discovered acting, or else she wouldn’t be in 2023’s most anticipated film. You must also agree that pink is more her color.

Here is something interesting you probably didn’t know about Margot Robbie who got her first job at the age of ten washing dishes. She worked three jobs as a teenager, including cleaning houses. Her only job now is acting and producing.
Officer Eastwood Reporting for Duty
AI gifted us an image of Kanye and now Clint Eastwood, working as a security officer at a grocery store. Can you imagine these two working in a store fighting crime together? That would be interesting, and a lot of people would pay to see that.

Clint Eastwood is now ninety-three years old and filming his last movie, Juror #2. Now we’re getting all misty-eyed thinking we won’t see this excellent actor star in anything else. He would make a good security officer too.
Megan in Normalville
Megan Fox, is that you? We almost didn’t recognize the Jennifer’s Body actress in this uniform. We’re used to seeing the actress fully glammed. But today, she isn’t the famous Hollywood vixen, just a regular girl in Normalville.

While we’re here, we want to remind everyone to remember to tip your server. Megan Fox once said, “I always bring cash for tips, and I never give less than $20. I used to work in a smoothie shop, so I know the value of a tip.” At least tip what you can afford.
Ryan, the Trusted Employee
Ryan Gosling, the Canadian heartthrob, is looking more dashing than ever working at what looks like a gas station. We love him as an actor, and we especially love him in The Notebook, but we’d support him if he decided on this career change.

Ryan Gosling has a lot going on in his life right now, he’s raising two daughters with Eva Mendes, and he probably has numerous movie projects. He already has a lot on his plate, so we know he won’t take on this job right now or ever.
This is the Matrix
We’ve got another Canadian gentleman here, Keanu Reeves. We don’t know if the actor would appreciate AI giving him a job as a butcher, as he is vegan. He also mentioned that he appreciates Japanese cuisine, particularly sushi. He may prefer a career as an itamae, a sushi chef.

Keanu may not work as a butcher, but before he was thrust into the limelight, he did work with food. His first job was working in a restaurant as a pizza maker. Yeah, so you won’t catch him selling meat or making pizza now, which is fine. We’d rather see him star in fantastic films.
The Joker
We’ve got the last but not least butcher on this list, Joaquin Phoenix. Just like Keanu Reeves, Joaquin follows a vegan diet, so we can’t imagine him as a butcher. He’s committed to animal advocacy, so he’d rather be a cashier than someone who cuts animals up.

If Joaquin Phoenix ever says he’s leaving acting to become a butcher, know he is probably pranking us as he did in 2008 when he said he was pursuing a rap career and releasing an album produced by P Diddy.
It’s a Normal Life
Wow, look at Miss Angelina Jolie working in a shop. We’re glad to see that AI didn’t change her signature pout. We’ve seen many AI images of celebrities working normal jobs, yet it’s still odd to see a famous face in a regular work uniform.

At fourteen, Angelina Jolie thought about pursuing a life of modeling or working as a funeral director. Any workplace would be lucky to have Angelina as an employee, but she’s where she is supposed to be. She is good at what she does now and makes a difference in the world with her humanitarian work.
This is the Skin of a Handyman
Here we have a man who needs no introduction- ladies and gentlemen, Robert Pattinson. We usually see the Twilight actor being interviewed in a stylish suit, but now we see him in something different; an orange work outfit and gloves. The AI artist decided to turn him into a handyman.

Robert Pattinson once said that he sometimes thinks about giving up acting, but then realizes he could be working at a shoe shop. He thinks acting is much cooler. There you have it, folks; he won’t trade his job for anything else.
Pretty Woman at Your Service
Here is barista Julia Roberts at your service. This pretty woman is a barista in AI, but in real life, she stars in coffee commercials for Italian brands that pay her more than one and a half million to show her famous dazzling smile.

Fun fact about Julia Roberts; pre-fame, she worked at a pizza parlor called Showbiz Pizza. Her job was to wear a bear costume and bring out birthday cakes to customers. Yikes, not as glamorous and exciting as her occupation now.
The Foodie
Here is the actor you have all been waiting for, Leonardo Dicaprio. Here he is, hard at work stealing some food. We’re only joking, but it sure does look like it. He is known as a foodie, so it’s plausible that he would pick food off a plate.

“Work until you don’t have to introduce yourself and walk into the building like you own it.” Actor Leonardo Dicaprio once said this, but we think this AI Leonardo wouldn’t say that. If you walk into your work like you own it, your boss will most likely fire you.
Number One Employee
Salma Hayek has made a name for herself as an actress and film producer, but for now, we see her in a different environment. Well done to AI for making her makeup and brows look flawless, just like they are in real life.

Salma had dreams of becoming a gymnast when she was a kid. She was even drafted for the Olympic team. However, she had to turn it down. She can thank her lucky stars she didn’t become a gymnast or land this job here, or else she wouldn’t have been nominated for an Academy Award for her role in Frida.
Ready for Duty
It’s Canadian actor Seth Rogen ready for duty at a store. Seth Rogen is an easy-going guy that you’d want in your store to help serve customers. When an employee is friendly, customers will likely return to the establishment and tell their friends.

Seth Rogen started a business called Houseplant that was first launched in 2019 in Canada with the help of screenwriter Evan Goldberg. Seth probably doesn’t work behind the counter day-to-day like the AI version of himself here, but he has many other important responsibilities.
The Cheeseman
We’re ending this post with none other than Robert Deniro with his somewhat iconic grumpy facial expression. After a hard day’s work, anyone would be left looking fed up like the Irishman star does here. We would be a little scared to buy cheese from him, though.

Robert De Niro works very hard, and we have no doubt that he would take this job very seriously. Speaking of hard work and taking things seriously, remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.